Cricket Association of the Blind, Nepal in collaboration with its branch Cricket Association of the Blind,Lumbini successfully accomplished the five days long cricket training for the blind and visually impaired youths from Palpa, Rupendehi, Kapilvastu, Navalparasi and Gulmi Districts of province 5. Mr. Nirmal Paudel, the Chairman of CABL inaugurated the training on 19th of NOV, while Mr.Pawan Ghimire , the Chairman of CABN track down to Butwalon 23rd Nov. to wrap off the training.
The thirty-three trainees including ten girls with visual impairments were trained at Jabai cricket ground in Rupendehi by Ms. Geeta Paudel, the Vice-Captain of national blind women’s cricket teamalong with Ganesh Sapkota and Saroj Paudel. . During the training along with the basic knowledge on cricketing skills, the participants were briefed about the pros and cons of sports for persons with disabilities. For most of the participants, it was a new training for them. They have heard about the blind cricket through F.M and television. Now, they are very much excited to be the part of the cricket team.

Miss Maya Chaudhary, 15, a totally blind girl from Navalparasi District lost her vision due to mercury explosion while witnessing the circus in her locality. Since then, she was going through hardship and sorrow. Discrimination in all aspects of life has almost been like her breakfast. When she was being called to take blind cricket training at Butwal, it was an unexpected boon in her life. After attending the training, she now feels more confident, interactive and eloquent.
Mr. Arjun Chhetri from Kapilvastu had the similar story to tell. He acquired blindness as a result of excessive intake of medicine to cure his leprosy. The hope which he had almost lost, came back to him with his involvement in cricket. He had never expected that this day of happiness would come. He was very happy to meet many of blind persons like him.

This training at Butwal had been conducted under the Kadoorie Charitable Foundation funded project called “Cricket for blind and visually impaired youths”.