National Sports Policy: What it matters to para-sport development in Nepal?
National Sports Policy: What it matters to para-sport development in Nepal? By: Mr. Pawan Ghimire (Chairperson- Cricket Association of the Blind, Nepal) Sports should
National Sports Policy: What it matters to para-sport development in Nepal? By: Mr. Pawan Ghimire (Chairperson- Cricket Association of the Blind, Nepal) Sports should
प्रेस विज्ञप्ती सम्पुर्ण शुभचिन्तक महानुभाव, नेत्रहीन क्रिकेट संघ नेपालले, नेपालमा दृष्टिविहीन भएका व्यक्तिहरुका लागि सुरु गरेको क्रिकेट खेलको १८ बर्ष पछि राष्ट्रिय नेत्रहीन क्रिकेट टोली
On 8th and 9th September, CAB conducted capacity development training to representatives of 13 SHGs of the cricket of the blind at Hotel Narayani of
CAB conducted second inter school cricket competition between the visually impaired children of Narayani High School and Jhuwani high school at Chitwan District on 8th
Cricket Association for the Blind Nepal recently hosted the Blind Cricket World Cup Selection Tournament at Mulpani Cricket Ground on July 6-7, 2024, attracting 41
दृष्टिविहीन क्रिकेट प्रशिक्षक तालिम कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न २०८१ जेठ २२ देखि २४ गतेसम्म नेत्रहीन क्रिकेट संघ नेपाले देशका विभिन्न भागबाट दृष्टिविहीन क्रिकेट खेलाडीहरू तथा प्रशिक्षकहरू सहभागी
नेपालले दृष्टिविहीन महिला क्रिकेट प्रतियोगिता खेल्न थालेको १० वर्ष भइसकेको छ। तर यही वर्ष भारतविरुद्ध शतक प्रहार गर्दै ओपनर ब्याटर विनिता पुन नेपालको तर्फबाट पहिलो
Cricket Association of the Blind, Nepal in local management of Banke Association of the Blind conducted its second cricket tournament between Rupendehi, Chitwan, Banke, Kanchanpur,
नेपालगञ्ज । नेत्रहीन राष्ट्रिय क्रिकेट प्रतियोगिताको उपाधि कञ्चनपुरले जितेको छ । बाँकेको कोहलपुरमा आज भएको फाइनल खेलमा बर्दियालाई ८० रनले पराजित गर्दै कञ्चनपुरले उपाधि जितेको हो
The Cricket Association of the Blind, Nepal (CAB, Nepal) is an umbrella organisation for all the blind cricket governing bodies around the country. Established on 16th August 2016 to ensure the right of blind and visually impaired people to play sport and to rehabilitate and empower them by enhancing their access to cricket,
Stall no-60,
Vrikutimandap, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel.: 00977-1-4220463
E-mail: blindcricketnepal@gmail.com,