19 players selected in 1st stage for 4th Blind Cricket World Cup 2024

Cricket Association for the Blind Nepal recently hosted the Blind Cricket World Cup Selection Tournament at Mulpani Cricket Ground on July 6-7, 2024, attracting 41 talented visually impaired cricket players from across the country.

Under the guidance of senior cricket coach Arun Aryal, a dedicated 5-member selection committee comprising Sunoj Bhattarai, Ravindra Gupta, Nahendra Niraula, and Tumburu Upretti—meticulously assessed the players’ skills and potential.

Following intense competition, 19 players have been chosen in the first stage. The final 15 players will be selected from another round of selections to represent Nepal in the forthcoming 4th T-20 Blind Cricket World Cup scheduled for November 2024 in Pakistan.

List of selected players

1. Sunil Subedi

2. Sagar lama

3. Bharat Chaulagai

4. Durgadatta Paudel

5. Prem Kshetri

6. Madan Neupane

7. Prabin Tamang

8. Amish Guragain

9. Bharat Thapa

10. Ramesh Baniyan

11. Naresh Chaudhary

12. Sunil Rana

13. Padam Badaila

14. Shanta Pahari

15. Rabindra Bohra

16. Khemraj Sapkota

17. Padam Karki

18. Yuvraj Bhandari

19. Nischal Siwakoti

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