Cricket training for blind at Kanchanpur wrapped off

Cricket Association of the Blind, Nepal in collaboration with Blind Cricket Association at Kanchanpur has accomplished a five days-long cricket training for the blind and visually impaired youths at Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur a District in Far-western Province.  The training which kicked off from 19th of September had been inaugurated by State Minister for Forest, Tourism and Commerce Mr. Prakash Bohora in presence of many other dignitaries from other diverse fields.

In the training facilitated by Mr. Nahendra Niraula, Ms. Ashika Dagaura and Birendra Shahi, 31 players with visual impairments of both sexes from Kailali and Kanchanpur  district had participated. This is the first cricket training to blind and visually impaired youths at Far-western province after  Nepal went into federal structure. On 24th  of September, Mr. Akbar Joshi, the Chairman of Blind Cricket Association in Kanchanpur concluded the training extending vote of thanks to all the participants and supporters for their kind cooperation to make this event go successfully.

As Kanchanpur Blind Cricket Association is receiving grant from Province Government to conduct provincial blind cricket tournament in November this year, the training also contributed in exploring the potential players who could represent Far-western Province in this up coming  series in Kanchanpur. This training was conducted in financial support of Kadoorie Charitable Foundation.


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